The 2016 Yellowstone Angler 5/6 Weight Fly Reel Comparison
October 2, 2018 / / Comments Off on The 2016 Yellowstone Angler 5/6 Weight Fly Reel Comparison

The 2016 Yellowstone Angler 5/6 Weight Fly Reel Comparison
We know how great the Galvan Torque reels are after seeing how well the Galvan T-8 did in our 8-weight reel shootout. The T-8 scored well in nearly every category, and was an easy choice for our “best buy” 8-weight saltwater reel. We knew the Galvan T-5 was going to bring some serious competition, and I don’t think any of us was surprised when we added up the figures and saw that it cleaned everyone!
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